Prof. Dr. Steven Claes




  • DI: 08.00-17.00 uur
  • WO: 08.00-17.00 uur
  • DO: 08.00-12.00 uur



Secundair onderwijs:

  • Sint-Jozefscollege te Herentals (1993 – 1999)


  • Geneeskunde (KULeuven 1999 - 2006)
  • Specialisatie Orthopedie via UZ Leuven – stagecoördinator Prof.Dr. Johan Bellemans (2006-2013)Behalen van een doctoraatstitel (PhD) voor de Doctoral School of Biomedical Sciences van de KULeuven met de thesis “The Anterolateral Ligament of the Knee – Anatomy, Biomechanics, Radiology and Clinical Implications“ (Promotor Prof. Dr. J. Bellemans; ISBN: 9789082126808) (8 november 2013)


  • Staflid, Dienst Orthopedie AZ Herentals sinds 01-12-2013
  • Consulent Knie- en Sportletsels, Dienst Orthopedie UZ Leuven campus Pellenberg sinds 01-12-2013


  • Stichtend lid and vice-president van de Belgian Orthopedics and Trauma Residents Association (BOTRA) (2009-2012)
  • BVOT (Belgian Organisation for Orthopaedic and Trauma surgeons)
  • BKS (Belgian Knee Society)
  • ESSKA (European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy)
  • Editorial Board Member of the ESSKA Academy
  • Honorary Member of the Polish Society for Arthroscopic Surgery

Belangrijkste publicaties

  • The Segond Fracture: A Bony Injury of the Anterolateral Ligament of the Knee. Claes S, Luyckx T, Vereecke E, Bellemans J. Arthroscopy. 2014 Aug 8. pii: S0749-8063(14)00500-3. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2014.05.039.
  • Reliability of a semi-automated 3D-CT measuring method for tunnel diameters after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A comparison between soft-tissue single-bundle allograft vs. autograft. Robbrecht C, Claes S, Cromheecke M, Mahieu P, Kakavelakis K, Victor J, Bellemans J, Verdonk P. Knee. 2014 May 20. pii: S0968-0160(14)00104-5. doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2014.05.003.
  • High prevalence of anterolateral ligament abnormalities in magnetic resonance images of anterior cruciate ligament-injured knees. Claes S, Bartholomeeusen S, Bellemans J. Acta Orthop Belg. 2014 Mar;80(1):45-9.
  • A novel core biopsy technique for anterior cruciate ligament preserves ligament structural integrity: a porcine study. Mylle M, Claes S, Verdonk P, Bellemans J. Arthroscopy 2014 Jan;30(1):80-5
  • The effectiveness of preventive programs in decreasing the risk of soccer injuries in Belgium: national trends over a decade. Bollars P, Claes S, Vanlommel L, Van Crombrugge K, Corten K, Bellemans J. Am J Sports Med. 2014 Mar;42(3):577-82.
  • Valgus instability as a cause for recurrent lateral patellar dislocation: a new mechanism for patellofemoral instability? Hermans K, Claes S, Bellemans J. Acta Orthop Belg. 2013 Oct;79(5):495-501.
  • The incidence of knee and anterior cruciate ligament injuries over one decade in the Belgian Soccer League. Quisquater L, Bollars P, Vanlommel L, Claes S, Corten K, Bellemans J. Acta Orthop Belg. 2013 Oct;79(5):541-6.
  • High incidence of intraoperative anchorage failure in FasT-fix all inside meniscal suturing device. Walgrave S, Claes S, Bellemans J. Acta Orthop Belg. 2013 Dec;79(6):689-93.
  • Spacer-Related Problems In Two-Stage Revision Knee Arthroplasty. Struelens B, Claes S, Bellemans J. Acta Orthop Belg 2013 79(4): 422-426
  • Anatomy of the anterolateral ligament of the knee. Claes S, Vereecke E, Maes M, Victor J, Verdonk P, Bellemans J. J Anat. 2013 Oct;223(4):321-8
  • Slight undercorrection following total knee arthroplasty results in superior clinical outcomes in varus knees. Vanlommel L, Vanlommel J, Claes S, Bellemans J. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013 Oct;21(10):2325-30
  • Is osteoarthritis an inevitable consequence of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction? A meta-analysis. Claes S, Hermie L, Verdonk R, Bellemans J, Verdonk P. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012 Oct 26.
  • Focaal fysair oedeem als overbelastingsletsel bij jonge athleten. Schouwenaars A, Claes S, Bellemans J.  Ortho-Rhumato 2011 9(4): 1-4
  • The "ligamentization" process in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: what happens to the human graft? A systematic review of the literature. Claes S, Verdonk P, Forsyth R, Bellemans J. Am J Sports Med. 2011 Nov;39(11):2476-83. PMID: 21515806.
  • Tibial rotation in single- and double-bundle ACL reconstruction: a kinematic 3-D in vivo analysis. Claes S, Neven E, Callewaert B, Desloovere K, Bellemans J. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2011 Dec.19 Suppl 1:S115-21. PMID: 21667089.


  • Winner of the biennial John Joyce Award at the 9th biennial International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) congress with the paper “The Segond Fracture: Just An X-Ray Clue For A Ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament?”, Toronto, Canada, May 12-16, 2013
  • Winner of the biennial Award for Best Paper in Ligament and Biomechanics at the 16th European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) congress with the paper „Biomechanics of the Anterolateral Ligament: the Pivot-Shift unraveled?“, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 14-17, 2014

